Saturday, August 1, 2009

Branson Getaway

We decided to go to Branson for a mini vacation. This is something we try to do every year. We went to Silver Dollar City, rode the Ducks, and shopped. The boys had a great time and below are some of the more memorable moments.
On our way to Branson, we made a quick stop at Bass Pro. The boys couldn't leave without a bag of candy. Jayce chose gummy worms and Jordan chose circus peanuts. There was a huge display of candies and for some reason Jordan wanted those circus peanuts. I have a feeling Grandma Long had something to do with that :)
Jayce at the fountains on Branson Landing.

Ready to leave from the train depot at Silver Dollar City. I have a slight look of embarrassment because Jayce and Jordy kept saying "Cheese" over and over.

On Wednesday morning we rode the DUCKS. As you can see Jordy was practicing his quacking skills.

Jayce even got to drive!

This was Jordy's first ride. As you can see he was not too amused.

Jayce on the ladybug ride. He thought he was pretty big getting to ride by himself.

This is Jordy's second ride. It's hard to see, but he is smiling and waving in this picture. Not near as traumatic as the previous ride.

On our way out of the park we had to stop and get cotton candy. The boys had never tried any before, so it was pretty interesting. Jordy wouldn't try it at first. He didn't like the way it felt.

Jayce on the other hand dove right in.

Happy Graduation!

Here are some pictures from Jared's recent celebration. Jared's mom got cupcakes from Sugar Loft (yum!) and pizza. We had lots of fun and even went out on a relaxing boat ride.
Here is Mom, Jayce, and Grandpa Long heading down to the boat docks.

Smiling big on the boat.

We had a great evening and I know Jared is more than glad to be finished with his Masters.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Jordan!

Since we've been on vacation for the past week I wasn't able to post a special birthday blog for Jordy, so here it is...

At the hospital, right after Jordan was born. 7:56 a.m. Friday, July 13th

This was actually the day we got to go home, one week later from the Children's Hospital in Columbia, MO. He had to wear a hat for his pictures because he still had the PICC line in his head. See the bump on the right side.

In the NICU, trying to get Jordy to eat. He has a PICC line in his head and feeding tubes in his nose.

This was the day I was released from the hospital. Mom and Jayce picked me up and we drove up to Columbia. Jayce didn't know quite what to think about his little brother. I think he wanted to make sure I wouldn't forget about him.

At home and very content.

This was taken around Christmas time, around 6 mos. old.

With Uncle Pete

With Memaw almost one year old.

At the zoo with brother.

Being awnry as always.
All grown up!
Jordan is definitely our tough guy. He was born a fighter and has developed into a very determined little guy. Jordan was born on Friday the 13th. He developed respiratory problems early on and had to be transferred to University of Missouri Children's hospital within a few hours after birth. The excitement of a new baby quickly turned to concern and Jared along with his mom and my dad followed Jordan to Columbia. My mom took care of Jayce and I was left to wait until I could get released from the hospital. Jordan was admitted into the Children's Hospital at a level 4 (level 5 being the worst) and mom, Jayce, and I rushed up to be with him the very next day. Jordan was diagnosed with pneumonia and was given a week of antibiotics. This was probably the longest week of my life, seriously. Jayce was sick and I was in so much pain from the recent c-section. Our parents, however, were our lifesavers. They stayed with us the entire week, helped with Jayce, and was just there for support. I don't know what we would have done without them. A week later Jordan was released, and I remember us literally running to the car, afraid they would call us back or change their minds. We just wanted to be home and back to normal. It's now been two years later and since his birth he has never been sick a day in his life, not even a cold. He is very hard headed and determined. He is very easy-going, not a care in the world. He is probably the toughest person I know, hardly cries; which is good because he is also probably one of the clumsiest people I know. He's a smiler and his can't hide a thought behind those big hazel eyes. I don't know what we would do without him and I am so thankful he fought hard from the beginning. He's a great little brother and I can't wait to see what's to come. I'm sure he'll keep it interesting! Happy Birthday Jordy :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

All grown up!

18 week ultrasound-It's a boy!

Jayce's hospital picture

Could that pacifier be any bigger :)

Loving the swing. Around 6 weeks old.

Jayce was always a very happy baby, full of grins.

One of his first real baths. Looks like Superman.

Jayce's first birthday

About a year old in this picture. He loved this Humpty Dumpty book. I'm sure I've read it at least a million times.

In his Halloween costume (Superman)

A little awnry

A little out of order. Jayce was around 9 months old. What a daredevil.

Jayce's 2nd birthday party

Eating birthday cake at home

I love this picture. This was the day after Jordan was born. We had been up to Columbia to visit Jordy in the hospital and came back home to refresh and repack before heading back up. We stopped at Wal-Mart and Jayce wanted to ride this ride. He doesn't look excited at all. I think he has just now realized that his life as he knows it will no longer be the same.

2 year pictures taken at Sears

With Jordan at the hospital. Not to amused :)

I took this picture to compare sizes between the two. Jordy was only a couple of weeks old in this picture.

Looks just like his father :)

Jayce's first big fish. He caught it all by himself.

At the Santa Monica Pier on our trip to California this past April.

All grown up!
I guess I could start out with all the facts about when he was born, how much he weighed, what time it was, but this is what I really remember. I woke up the morning of June 28th to get ready for hopefully my last Dr's. appointment before Jayce's arrival. I got ready, had a quick bologna sandwich (an obvious pregnancy craving) and was out the door. I was scheduled to go into the hospital on the next day, so my plans were to make my quick Dr.'s appointment and then head back home to clean the house, catch up on laundry, and get everything ready for the big day. Instead, my Dr. sent me on over to the hospital after my appointment because she was concerned over the lack of movement I was experiencing. My plans for a clean house were cancelled when she decided to keep me at the hospital and induce my labor. I called Jared, who was teaching summer school and laid the unexpected news on him. I didn't have my bags packed yet, so I had to rely on him to pack what I needed (not a good idea, lol). I called all immediate family members and before you knew it the hospital waiting room was packed with lots of excited people. Everything seemed to be going pretty smoothly until around 5:00 when the monitor's started beeping. Jayce was not doing well with the stress and his heart rate continued to drop. The Dr. tried several attempts, but was unable to stabilize his heart rate. That's when she decided to call for a C-section. This was not at all what we had planned, but agreed we needed to do what was best for Jayce. Like a whirlwind I was rushed in, prepped, and Jayce was delivered. The first words out of the Dr's. mouth was "Look at all that hair." I actually didn't believe her, because just a few weeks earlier at our last ultrasound, the tech had told us that she didn't think he had much hair at all. She must have been in training, because boy was she wrong. That kid had a full head of black hair, ready for his first haircut. His full head of hair paid off, because the nurses just swooned over him and even choose him to be the baby model during the parenting classes. I know that's a day I'll never forget. It's hard to believe that was four years ago. Where has the time went to? What a neat kid he has turned out to be. I am so proud of him and he never ceases to amaze me. It's been an exciting ride so far, and although it makes me sad that he's growing up so fast, it's also exciting to think of what's in the future. Happy Birthday big guy. We love you!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Living Happily Ever After...

Today celebrates our 6 year wedding anniversary as well as ten years of being together as a couple. It's hard to believe that we've been married for six years let alone being with each other on almost a daily basis for the past ten years. Jared and I met while working together at Wal-Mart. A mutual friend of ours had told me that Jared would be starting to work at Wal-Mart and that he guaranteed that we would be dating within two weeks of meeting each other. I told him he was crazy because I already had a boyfriend at the time and couldn't imagine this new guy being that irresistible (lol :)). Two weeks on the dot (a Saturday night to be exact) I dropped that old boyfriend, rushed home from an eight hour shift to get all spiffed up, and drove back in to town to meet my new boyfriend. Remember I was 17 and crazy at the time. We've been together ever since. He helped buy me an airline ticket so I could go with his family to Hawaii a month later. We lived together in Springfield as we were trying to make it through college. He proposed to me in our apartment with a picnic of chinese food after I had worked a long shift at Applebees as a server before Christmas. He has always apologized and wanted to give me more, and it just makes me smile, because we are so fortunate and he has given me more than I could ever dream for. He is an amazing dad and I know our boys are so lucky to have a father that cares enough to not let them have soda, makes them take their vitamins, and puts off hunting and fishing and coaching (things he loves more than anything)just to spend more time with them. He is such a great guy and I love him more than words can describe. Happy Anniversary and Happy Father's Day!

One Boy...One Girl...

This is one of my senior pictures. Jared and I had only been together for a couple of months and I wanted him in my pictures like any crazy teenage girl. Jared on the other hand did not want to be in the pictures and had refused to come earlier that morning. About half way through the shoot he showed up all dressed up. It really meant alot to me.

Our wedding day

I love this picture because it shows not only how tired we were that day, but also the excitement in our eyes of what's to come.

On our honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

The day Jayce was born...June 28, 2005.

All of us with Jordan at the NICU in Columbia. He was one day old in this picture. We look so tired...wait we WERE so tired :(

Our first professional family portrait. I can't believe Jordy was ever that little.

Our Family!