Jayce caught his very own "Monster Fish" today. He was so excited because he did it all by himself. Him and Jared went down to the dock to see if anything was biting and Jayce put his pole in and got a bite right off. Jared saw his bobber go down and told him to reel it in. He was so excited and said, "My mom is going to be so proud!" He came back to the house to tell me and then we had to go back down and take a picture of it.

Jayce was not liking his slimy hands after holding the fish, so Daddy let him wipe his hands on his pants.

Meemaw Barb, Aunt Jo, and Great Uncle Mike stopped by to see what we were up to. Aunt Jo wanted to fish and even caught a "Monster Fish" too (just not as big as Jayce's). You would think it was about 30 degrees by the way she is all bundled up, but it was really in the 50's. I think she's been spoiled by the beautiful California weather :) Great Uncle Mike came to visit from Georgia for the funeral. He's never met the boys before, but I'm pretty sure he's hooked. We had a great time fishing and it made me anxious for summer, so we can get the boat out on the water.