Today we spent the day at Timber Falls, the indoor waterpark at Tan-Tar-A. Jayce loves going with his cousins (Justin and Jamen). Jordan, however, is not as crazy about the place, I think because it's so loud. Jayce played and played. Jordy just clung to Jared like a scared cat. This is the second weekend in a row that we've made our way to the waterpark. It's located at a resort, so there aren't ever a lot of people there. The waterpark is perfect because the water is shallow and with lots of lifeguards, Jayce can do most things on his own. He kept up with his big cousins and did just about everything they did, except the slides which he was still skeptical of (he is not a fan of water splashing in his face). We're now at home with two very tired boys along with a very tired mommy and daddy. What a fun weekend, too bad we have to get ready to go back to work and Tracy's tomorrow :)
Looks like so much fun, did the litle buggers sleep late this morning? I felt like every muscle was sore from my workout going up and down steps. Have a good week!