Today celebrates our 6 year wedding anniversary as well as ten years of being together as a couple. It's hard to believe that we've been married for six years let alone being with each other on almost a daily basis for the past ten years. Jared and I met while working together at Wal-Mart. A mutual friend of ours had told me that Jared would be starting to work at Wal-Mart and that he guaranteed that we would be dating within two weeks of meeting each other. I told him he was crazy because I already had a boyfriend at the time and couldn't imagine this new guy being that irresistible (lol :)). Two weeks on the dot (a Saturday night to be exact) I dropped that old boyfriend, rushed home from an eight hour shift to get all spiffed up, and drove back in to town to meet my new boyfriend. Remember I was 17 and crazy at the time. We've been together ever since. He helped buy me an airline ticket so I could go with his family to Hawaii a month later. We lived together in Springfield as we were trying to make it through college. He proposed to me in our apartment with a picnic of chinese food after I had worked a long shift at Applebees as a server before Christmas. He has always apologized and wanted to give me more, and it just makes me smile, because we are so fortunate and he has given me more than I could ever dream for. He is an amazing dad and I know our boys are so lucky to have a father that cares enough to not let them have soda, makes them take their vitamins, and puts off hunting and fishing and coaching (things he loves more than anything)just to spend more time with them. He is such a great guy and I love him more than words can describe. Happy Anniversary and Happy Father's Day!

One Boy...One Girl...

This is one of my senior pictures. Jared and I had only been together for a couple of months and I wanted him in my pictures like any crazy teenage girl. Jared on the other hand did not want to be in the pictures and had refused to come earlier that morning. About half way through the shoot he showed up all dressed up. It really meant alot to me.

Our wedding day

I love this picture because it shows not only how tired we were that day, but also the excitement in our eyes of what's to come.

On our honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

The day Jayce was born...June 28, 2005.

All of us with Jordan at the NICU in Columbia. He was one day old in this picture. We look so tired...wait we WERE so tired :(

Our first professional family portrait. I can't believe Jordy was ever that little.

Our Family!
Aww, that's so sweet! Happy Belated Anniversary! I hope you had a great day as well as Jared having a great Father's Day. :)